82% of All Internet Traffic is Video

If you don’t have any video, you’re invisible to most of your prospects.

If you have bad video, you’ll look unprofessional.

Unfortunately, taking some good footage and turning it into a great video is tedious (and usually expensive).

At Piper, we help you save time and look like a pro with our editing services.

Our team is ready to help on-demand, trained in cutting-edge techniques, and reliable with our delivery times.

Our team Delivers Results Fast.

Let’s get on a call and see if Piper Creative can make your video projects easier and more effective.

In just 5 years, our team has generated over 50 Million organic views on content across YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Linkedin.

Those numbers come from testing and learning across more than 3,000 pieces of creative.

We developed our own;

Strong Storytelling Fundamentals
Data-Backed Best Practices
Inhouse Training Platform

We’ve spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to learn these lessons the hard way. You can get them at 1/100th the cost.

Our video editing service is designed to deliver reliable high-quality work in an on-demand model that’s better than a full-time hire.

Here’s what our clients say:

If you’ve ever hired video editors, you’ve run into these common challenges:

How Do Your Test Video Editing Skills?

Most Business Owners and Marketing Leaders are not video editors. They know some copywriting, some sales, and have used some multimedia software like Adobe or Canva before.

However, it’s Difficult to Judge the Skills of a Video Editor well.

Is Your Videographer Trained on Best Practices?

A video editor that edits TV commercials is very different than one that focuses TikToks and Instagram reels.

These platforms Change Regularly and require ongoing study to master. A solo editor cannot keep up with the training to excel on all major platforms.

Great Editors Aren’t Cheap (Or Easy to Retain)

Good video editors have options. In addition to a great salary, they will need benefits to stick around with your firm.

Further, the best creatives are not drawn to B2B services. Churning talent, or paying them to work part-time remotely, is a recipe for subpar creativity.

Piper Creative has already Recruited, Trained, and Retained a Team of Talented Video Editors that You Can Use On-Demand.

Let’s get on a call and see if Piper Creative can make your video projects easier and more effective.

We’ve hired dozens of creatives here at Piper Creative. It’s difficult.

A great cinematographer won’t necessarily make a compelling TikTok.

A motion graphics pro won’t design YouTube thumbnails with a high ClickThrough rate.

Don’t waste hours interviewing and hiring someone that might not have these skills.

When you buy our editing service, you get a set number of working days from our video editor every single month.

That can be deployed against whatever video project you want.

YouTube videos? TikToks? Podcasts? Linkedin?
Yes. We’ve got it.

No sick days. No delays. No problem if you need to turn off service for a month, then come back.

We adapt to you.

You upload footage on a Tuesday and have work to review before the weekend.

Fill out our form to learn more about how we can supercharge your marketing efforts with on-demand video editing.


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